Templum Class Reference

Templum Templating Engine. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Templum ($templatePath, $varsUniversal=array(), $locale=NULL)
 Create a new Templum instance.
 setVar ($varName, $varValue)
 Set a universal variable which will available in each template created with this Templum instance.
 setAutoEscape ($escape=True)
 Turn the auto escape on or off. If on, all content rendered using {{ and }} will automatically be escaped with htmlspecialchars().
 setLocale ($locale)
 Set the locale for templates.
 template ($path, $varsGlobal=array(), $autoEscape=NULL)
 Retrieve a template by from disk (caching it in memory for the duration of the Templum instance lifetime) or from cache.

Static Public Member Functions

static templateFromString ($contents, $autoEscape=Null)
 Create a TemplumTemplate from a string.

Detailed Description

Templum Templating Engine.

This is the main Templum class. It takes care of retrieval, caching and compiling of (translated) templates.

Member Function Documentation

Templum::Templum ( templatePath,
varsUniversal = array(),
locale = NULL 

Create a new Templum instance.

$templatePath (string) The full or relative path to the template directory.
$varsUniversal (array) An array of key/value pairs that will be exported to every template retrieved using this template engine instance.
$locale (string) The locale for the templates to retrieve. If a file with the suffix noted in $locale is available, it will be returned instead of the default .tpl file.
TemplumError if the $templatePath can't be found or isn't a directory.

Templum::setVar ( varName,

Set a universal variable which will available in each template created with this Templum instance.

$varName (string) The name of the variable. This will become available in the template as $VARNAME.
$varValue (mixed) The value of the variable.

Templum::setAutoEscape ( escape = True  ) 

Turn the auto escape on or off. If on, all content rendered using {{ and }} will automatically be escaped with htmlspecialchars().

$escape (boolean) True of False. If True, auto escaping is turned on (this is the default). If False, it is turned off for templates retrieved with this Templum engine.
Auto escaping can be overridden by passing the $autoEscape option to the template() and templateFromString() methods.

Templum::setLocale ( locale  ) 

Set the locale for templates.

$locale (string) The locale for the templates to retrieve. If a file with the suffix noted in $locale is available, it will be returned instead of the default .tpl file.

Templum::template ( path,
varsGlobal = array(),
autoEscape = NULL 

Retrieve a template by from disk (caching it in memory for the duration of the Templum instance lifetime) or from cache.

$path (string) TemplumTemplate path, without the .tpl extension, relative to the templatePath.
$varsGlobal (array) Array of key/value pairs that will be exported to the returned template and all templates included by that template.
$autoEscape (boolean) Whether to auto escape {{ and }} output with htmlspecialchars()
TemplumError if the template couldn't be read.

static Templum::templateFromString ( contents,
autoEscape = Null 
) [static]

Create a TemplumTemplate from a string.

Create a TemplumTemplate instance using $contents as the template contents. This severely limited what you can do with the TemplumTemplate. There will be no including from the template, no translations, no caching, etc.

$contents (string) The template contents.
$autoEscape (boolean) Whether to auto escape {{ and }} output with htmlspecialchars()
(TemplumTemplate) TemplumTemplate class instance.

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