
Ferry Boender

Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.


Nethack notes

Thursday, July 15th, 2004

I’ve been playing a lot of Nethack lately. It’s quite addictive. And you tend to die a lot.

For instance: In my last game I arrived at the Medusa level. Now, Medusa will turn you to stone if you look at here directly, so I was going blindfolded. I read somewhere that you can use a mirror to defeat here, so I went back up in the dungeon to get one. On the level directly above the Medusa level, I encountered a cockatrice. These will also turn you to stone, but only if you touch them. “Okay, let’s be carefull” I think, and kill it from a distance with some daggers. When it’s finally dead, I walk over the corpse, but I forgot I was wearing the blindfold. When wearing the blindfold, you can’t see what’s on the ground, so instead you’ll feel what’s on the ground. “You feel here a cockatrice corpse“. Feeling usually involves touching, and touching a cockatrice…. turns you to stone. Ooh, the irony!

This is just one of the many splendid ways in which you can die in Nethack. Pretty neat huh? :)

Anyay.. I’ve been collecting all possible information given to me during the game in one way or another. I’ve put my notes on-line for all to see.

Nethack notes

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