
Ferry Boender

Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.


OpenOffice needs a draft-mode

Thursday, December 22nd, 2005

There’s one thing OpenOffice.org lacks that both Word and WordPerfect have: a draft mode where you don’t have to see page breaks and unnecessary layout visuals. To me, this seems like such a basic and important feature. My needs for formatting and fancy features are practically nonexistent–I just want to concentrate on my writing.

OpenOffice Writer does offer a “web layout”, but it’s just not the same.

I use OpenOffice all the time to dash out letters and so forth, but when I need to concentrate on my writing I always fire up WordPerfect. Lack of a good draft mode is all that’s keeping me from using OpenOffice Writer exclusively. I’m sure tons of other writers feel the same way. And I can’t imagine implementing this feature would be difficult.

— Schlemphfer (556732), Slashdot


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