
Ferry Boender

Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.


Ansible-cmdb v1.26: Generate a host overview of Ansible facts.

Saturday, March 3rd, 2018

I’ve just released ansible-cmdb v1.26. Ansible-cmdb takes the output of Ansible’s fact gathering and converts it into a static HTML overview page containing system configuration information. It supports multiple templates (fancy html, txt, markdown, json and sql) and extending information gathered by Ansible with custom data.

This release includes the following features and improvements:

    • Custom and host local facts are now sorted by name
    • Updates in the python packages that ansible-cmdb depends on.
    • Improvements to the uninstall procedures.

    The following bug fixes were made:

    • Fixes in how columns are displayed
    • Fixes in how custom and host local facts are parsed and displayed.
    • Fixes in the markdown template that prevented rendering if there were no host vars.
    • Various fixes in the html_fancy templates
    • Several fixes that prevented ansible-cmdb from properly working on systems with only Python v3.x
    • Bug fix in the RPM package that prevented installation on some Redhat / Centos versions.

    You can get the release from the releases page (available in .deb, .rpm, .tar.gz and .whl), or you can install it via Pip:

    sudo pip install ansible-cmdb

    For more info and installation methods, please check the repository at github.


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