
Ferry Boender

Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.


Category: website

Domain back up

www.electricmonk.nl has been down for the last couple of days. Since I run this server on my cable internet connection, I sometimes get a change of IP. This time I got three on a single day, which was last friday. Unfortunatelly, I can’t change the DNS records during the weekend, since the office where I […]

Network topology

Removed the network topology from the Miscellaneous page. It didn’t work in the new layout.

Multiple updates

I’ve done some updating on this page: Most pages now have a contents listing. New picture of me, since the old one was kind of out of date. This one is even worse (bad lighting, etc) but I’ll take another one soon. The top menu items are now also highlighted for subitems of those items. […]

Programming playground

I’ve added a new section called Playground to the Projects page. It’s where I’ll be stashing all experiments I do for various things like CSS, PHP, DHTML, Javascript, Soap, XMLHttpRequest stuff, etc.

New default style

As you can see (If you’ve been here before), I’ve changed the default style. Hope you like it.

Spiffy designs

Sick of the default design for this page? You can always change it.

Improving this page

I’m improving this page, which is a slow and painful path to perfection. A lot of ugly stuff has crept into the code underlying this page and log, and I want to get rid of it. For instance, I was using tables on the project page, so I could get the screenshots aligned properly on […]

Server finally back online

After the problems of the server being dead due to a failure in hardware, it was now time for the internet connection to perish. All electricmonk.nl domains are in working order once again. The nihilist.nl domainnames aren’t, and I’m not sure if I’m going to resurrect them. Hopefully this will be the last of the […]

Network topology

How totally, utterly, completely useless.

Server problems fixed

All server problems seem to be fixed. I may run into some problems along the way, but they will be fixed as soon as I find them. For now I believe everything is up and running again. On the good side, this server is now about 3 times as fast and has around 10 times […]

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