
Ferry Boender

Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.


Category: libre software

BBCloner v1.4: Bitbucket backup tool

I’ve released v1.4 of BBCloner. BBCloner (Bitbucket Cloner) creates mirrors of your public and private Bitbucket Git repositories. It also synchronizes already existing mirrors. Initial mirror setup requires you manually enter your username/password. Subsequent synchronization of mirrors is done using Deployment Keys. This release features a new flag: –tolerant (-t). It prevents bbcloner from complaining about […]

Host inventory overview using Ansible’s Facts

UPDATE: I’ve written a fancier version of the above script as a separate project called ansible-cmdb. It uses templates and can generate a feature-laden HTML version and text versions. It also lets you extend the information from your hosts very easily; even adding completely new hosts. Packages are available for Debian, Redhat and other operating systems. Ansible is a […]

Bexec v0.8: Execute a vim buffer and capture output in split window

I released v0.8 of my Bexec vim plugin. The Bexec plugin allows the user to execute the current buffer if it contains a script with a shebang (#!/path/to/interpreter) on the first line or if the default interpreter for the script’s type is known by Bexec. The output of the script will be grabbed and displayed in […]

Pydocmd: Generate Markdown from python source files

I’ve created pydocmd. It generates Python Module / script documentation in the Markdown (md) format. It was written to automatically generate documentation that can be put on Github or Bitbucket. It is as of yet not very complete and is more of a Proof-of-concept than a fully-fledged tool. Markdown is also a very restricted format and […]

Generating good-looking charts with Gnuplot

Gnuplot is a tool for plotting graphs. It was originally created to allow scientists and students to visualize mathematical functions and data interactively, but has grown to support many non-interactive uses such as web scripting. It is excellent for generating all kinds of charts. Unfortunately, the defaults for Gnuplot don’t generate very appealing charts: set terminal […]

bexec v0.6 released: Execute Vim buffers and show output in new buffer.

I’ve just released version 0.6 of my Vim bexec plugin.  Bexec is a Vim plugin that allows the user to execute the current buffer if it contains a script with a shebang (#!/path/to/interpreter) on the first line or if the default interpreter for the script’s type is known by Bexec. The output of the script […]

bbcloner v1.3 released. BitBucket backup tool.

I’ve just released bbcloner v1.3. bbcloner creates mirrors of your public and private Bitbucket Git repositories and wikis. It also synchronizes already existing mirrors. Initial mirror setup requires you manually enter your username/password. Subsequent synchronization of mirrors is done using Deployment Keys. This release features the following changes: Support for updating over https (patch by msboom) […]

Quick-n-dirty HAR (HTTP Archive) viewer

HAR, HTTP Archive, is a JSON-encoded dump of a list of requests and their associated headers, bodies, etc. Here’s a partial example containing a single request: { “startedDateTime”: “2013-09-16T18:02:04.741Z”, “time”: 51, “request”: { “method”: “GET”, “url”: “http://electricmonk.nl/”, “httpVersion”: “HTTP/1.1”, “headers”: [], “queryString”: [], “cookies”: [], “headersSize”: 38, “bodySize”: 0 }, “response”: { “status”: 301, “statusText”: […]

bbcloner: create mirrors of your public and private Bitbucket Git repositories

  I wrote a small tool that assists in creating mirrors of your public and private Bitbucket Git repositories and wikis. It also synchronizes already existing mirrors. Initial mirror setup requires that you manually enter your username/password. Subsequent synchronization of mirrors is done using Deployment Keys. You can download a tar.gz, a Debian/Ubuntu package or clone […]

Conque: Terminal emulators in Vim buffers

For the longest time, I’ve searched for a way to run terminal emulators in Vim buffers. As a kind of work-around, I created Bexec, which allows you to run the current contents of a buffer through an external program. It then captures the output and inserts/appends it to another buffer. Although Bexec works reasonable, and […]

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