
Ferry Boender

Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.


Category: linux

Test a pull / merge request before accepting on Bitbucket

Git is a great tool, but its documentation leaves much to be desired at times. Bitbucket’s documentation doesn’t fare much better. Commands mentioned in its wiki often don’t work as advertised. The fact that git’s commands are often incredibly counter-intuitive, incomplete and at times simply wrong doesn’t help either. So while you can get far […]

HP Lights-Out 100i (LO100i) “Invalid username / password” when trying to connect to KVM

If you’re trying to connect to the Virtual KVM (console) on a HP Lights-Out 100i (LO100i) using the Remote Console Client Java applet, you might be getting an error in the order of Username / Password invalid Or: com.serverengines.r.rdr.EndOfStream: EndOfStream This is a known problem with firmware version 4.24 (or Earlier): The Virtual Keyboard/Video/Mouse (KVM […]

Quick-n-dirty HAR (HTTP Archive) viewer

HAR, HTTP Archive, is a JSON-encoded dump of a list of requests and their associated headers, bodies, etc. Here’s a partial example containing a single request: { “startedDateTime”: “2013-09-16T18:02:04.741Z”, “time”: 51, “request”: { “method”: “GET”, “url”: “http://electricmonk.nl/”, “httpVersion”: “HTTP/1.1”, “headers”: [], “queryString”: [], “cookies”: [], “headersSize”: 38, “bodySize”: 0 }, “response”: { “status”: 301, “statusText”: […]

bbcloner: create mirrors of your public and private Bitbucket Git repositories

  I wrote a small tool that assists in creating mirrors of your public and private Bitbucket Git repositories and wikis. It also synchronizes already existing mirrors. Initial mirror setup requires that you manually enter your username/password. Subsequent synchronization of mirrors is done using Deployment Keys. You can download a tar.gz, a Debian/Ubuntu package or clone […]

Setting I/O priorities on Linux

All us system admins know about nice, which lets you set the CPU priorities of a process. Every now and then I need to run an I/O-heavy process. This inevitably makes the system intermittently unresponsive or slow, which can be a real annoyance. If your system is slow to respond, you can check to see […]

Persistent undo history in Vim

Once you quit Vim, the undo history for that file is gone. This sometimes gives me problems if I accidentally made a change in a file without knowing it. This usually happens due to a bad Vim command which, for instance, capitalized a single letter. There’s an option which allows you to make the undo […]

Conque: Terminal emulators in Vim buffers

For the longest time, I’ve searched for a way to run terminal emulators in Vim buffers. As a kind of work-around, I created Bexec, which allows you to run the current contents of a buffer through an external program. It then captures the output and inserts/appends it to another buffer. Although Bexec works reasonable, and […]

Re-use existing SSH agent (cygwin et al)

(Please note that this post is not specific to Windows nor Cygwin; it'll work on a remote unix machine just as well) On my netbook, I use Windows XP in combination with Cygwin (A unix environment for Windows) and Mintty for my Unixy needs. From there, I usually SSH to some unix-like machine somewhere, so […]

monit alerts not emailed: Resource temporarily unavailable

While setting up Monit, a tool for easy monitoring of hosts and services, I ran into a problem. I had configured Monit to email alerts to my email address, using my personal mail server (IP/email addresses obfuscated to protect the innocence of my email inbox): set mailserver set alert ferry.boender@example.com set httpd port 2812 […]

The user isn’t always wrong

Some time ago, my mother bought a new laptop. It came preinstalled with Windows Vista, which proved to be quite the disaster. The laptop wasn’t nowhere near fast enough to run it, so I installed Ubuntu on it. This allowed my mom to do everything she needed to do with the laptop, while at the […]

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