
Ferry Boender

Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.


Category: opinion

WikipediaClassaction.org: Continued

Well, I should have known better than not to consult Wikipedia on the stuff I mentioned in

WikipediaClassaction.org: The pot calling the kattle…

Someone is trying to start a class action lawsuit against Wikipedia.org. For those who are unaware of what a class action lawsuit is; it’s a lawsuit filed by one party that represents a group of people or companies. In this case people who feel “they’ve been defamed and or who have been or are the […]

Firefox VS IE: barf!

I’m getting a little bit sick of all the Firefox VS IE bullshit floating around the Internet. Firefox has been boosted as the more secure browser by various open source advocates and groups. Lots of other people seem to love to hate the people that hate IE; lately they’ve been claiming things like “Firefox has […]

The new internet ad fad

Okay, pop-ups are out. Everybody’s got their blocker installed, courtesy of Firefox and Internet Explorer 6 SP2 (or something). Content-providers Companies are standing around pulling their hair out: Now they can’t torture and agonize their website-visitors anymore! What to do?! Don’t worry, the new scheme goes like this: Before allowing access to some half-assed piece […]

E-mail replies

I’ll start replying to all the e-mail that piled up during my vacation Really Soon Now. Please bare with me as I sort it all out. If you’re awaiting an awnser to something you should have it in about two days.

Productivity tip of the day: A Not-To-Do List

Via GeekPress Today is the day you start your project. Wake up. Make your coffee. Sit down. Get to work. Now, it should be that simple. Wake up and get to work. But there are many distractions. Mental and otherwise. So this is NOT a to-do list. This is a not-to-do list. You don’t need […]


Laddies! It be talk-like-a-pirate-day today! Arrrr! Shiver me timbers.

Stuuupid release names

What’s with all the stupid release names of FOSS projects? Columba 1.0 “Holy Moly“. Firefox 1.5 “Deerpark” I mean, just the trend of nicknaming releases is annoying, but the idiotic names make it even worse.


I am, at times, surprised by people’s inability or unwillingness to find more efficient ways of performing tedious tasks. Sys admins: Learn to use the unix toolset (sed, grep, etc) Windows admins: install cygwin so you can use the unix toolset on windows. Windows software engineers: Get yourself a decent editor. Documentation writers: Get Docbook, […]

Defacto music standard

Some people don’t seem to get the fact that the defacto standard format for music is MP3. Stop putting crap like WMA, MP4 and OGG/Vorbis in torrents please. Oh, and also stop putting Zip files in a RAR file in a torrent. It’s already compressed enough as it is and nobody cares about saving two […]

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