
Ferry Boender

Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.


Category: opinion

Stop buttons on media players?

Why is it that so many media players omit the stop button in their interfaces? I guess I missed the meeting where it was decided that the stop button was useless and shouldn’t be featured in players any more. A stop button is not useless, and not having one is very annoying because: I often […]

On naming your projects…

I used to name my projects based on really cool acronyms like “PROMS” (Project Management System) and “Nimf” (Non-irritating Manager of Files). When I got a bit more serious about my little programmings, I decided not to give them nonsensical names anymore but instead tried to come up with original, but more importantly, meaningful names. […]

Monsieur Cannibale

Check out singer/songwriter Monsieur Cannibale. Excellent stuff.

Slashdot VS digg

There’s been a lot of talk lately about how Digg.com will be the new slashdot , whereby Slashdot.org receives a lot of complaints and Digg.com receives a lot of praise. Most of these are comming from the Digg camp. There’s a article on The Guardian right now prematurely talking about Slashdot’s demise. “Slashdot will take […]

Bad surveys

Since I graduated and got my bachelors degree, I’ve regularly been approached to participate in various surveys. Among them have been polls on the impact of pre-education on my last education, quality of my latest education and various other surveys. To date I have not seen a single poll which was straight-forward in it’s questions. […]

OpenOffice needs a draft-mode

There’s one thing OpenOffice.org lacks that both Word and WordPerfect have: a draft mode where you don’t have to see page breaks and unnecessary layout visuals. To me, this seems like such a basic and important feature. My needs for formatting and fancy features are practically nonexistent–I just want to concentrate on my writing. OpenOffice […]

How Google fucked up USENET

How Google fucked up USENET (newsgroups): Replying to a post somehow doesn’t quote the original post, resulting in a lot of posts like this: Yes! Totally! Good idea No, that’s incorrect. It’s actually ment for something else etc. In other words.. a total loss of context. EACH message I checked which didn’t quote context was […]

A DO and a DON’T for OO programming

Here’s a little DON’T hint for OO programming: Don’t use classes to cut up your program. Here’s a little DO hint for OO programming: DO use classes to create small libraries which are all seperate entities that your program uses (and, in essence, consists of) When writing a program, ask yourself this: “Can I seperate […]

Torvalds: Use KDE

In an e-mail mailinglist discussion on listing, Linus Torvalds wrote the following: > Frederic told that the options from the PPD file are > intentionally mot listed in the printing dialog, the > usability team of GNOME was against listing these options. > They clutter the dialog and can be more confusing than > useful […]

OfficialWire: Rectify the article?

I e-mailed the following to OfficialWire to see if they hold themselves accountable for faulty news reporting: In your news story titled ‘It’s Your Story…You Tell It Anyway You Want On Wikipedia’ the following claim is made: “After four months, Seigenthaler was finally able to get Wales to remove the offending piece from Wikipedia and […]

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